Her Juggling Feet

everybody's a nobody. and nobody's perfect.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Obrigado para tudo

Here's a toast to the overwhelming support and encouragement I've received from family and friends, far and wide: Blondina; Ina and Lefty; Rich, Leesa and Jake; Jim and Clark; Jay, Jenny, Noah, Sophie and Sadie; Melanie, Doug and Nathan; Curt, Patti, Dan, and Krista; Sarah; Hannah; Kyle; Julie; Amina y la biblioteca; Annie; Erika and her team of fundraisers; Lindsay's camera-savvy advice, Rosehipsters Valerie and Linda; Georgie and Renee; David and Chad; the Global Youth Village; and Gary Berg. And Josh and my parents--big time. Absolutely grateful. Mmmwhuh.

Monday, February 06, 2006

A little bit about it

Forget planes, trains, and automobiles--I'm going to juggle my way through Brazil.

I’m joining La Caravana Arcoiris por la Paz, a traveling bandwagon of circus artists, environmentalists, and educators that have worked throughout Latin America since 1996. Touring in a medley of hand-painted buses, La Caravana spins a form of eco-entertainment that blends workshops in sustainable living with…of all things…circus arts.

La Caravana’s next stop is Brazil, where they have signed a contract with Brazil’s Ministry of Culture to provide performances and workshops for up to 50 communities throughout the country. In the favelas, quilombos, and indigenous villages that La Caravana will visit, La Caravana is partnering with local grassroots organizations.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Countdown Begins

I leave in 28 days.